How Much Cash Greencoat Renewables generates in 2024

Greencoat Renewables is a company in Ireland that deals with renewable energy, like wind power. They invest in and look after wind farms. You can buy and sell shares of this company on stock exchanges in Ireland and London. They usually buy wind farms that are already up and running, which helps investors get steady profits over a long time.

How Much Cash Greencoat Renewables generates in 2024

Greencoat Cash Flow

Reduced from €220 million in 2023 to €197.7 million now, the company’s net cash was utilized to settle debt and make investments in new ventures. Over 3,700 Gigawatt hours of power were produced by Greencoat’s portfolio last year, an increase from approximately 2,600 Gigawatt hours in 2023. This energy was sufficient to power about 850,000 houses, according to the company’s annual report. Last year, revenues increased by 15% to €379.2 million, and the company invested over €600 million to buy four additional assets.

This includes properties in Germany, Sweden, and Spain in addition to an Offaly wind farm. Up until 2028, about 75% of revenues were under contract, with 69% of those contracts being indexed to inflation. As per the target, the corporation has declared a 6.42 cent dividend for the year. At year-end, Greencoat’s group debt was €1.3 billion. Non-executive chairman Ronan Murphy stated, “The opportunity and investment case for renewables remains strong, despite the continued presence of macro-economic headwinds. With a highly cash-generative and pan-European portfolio, the company is well-positioned to continue playing a critical role in the energy transition, while delivering attractive low-risk returns for shareholders. The company remains wholly committed to the disciplined allocation of capital. Greencoat anticipates adding another 50 megawatts of generation capacity this year with the completion of the 50 percent of the 80 MW South Meath solar farm and the Andella wind farm in Spain.

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